New Years Art Dump

Here’s an art dump. Labels are basically the ones from Scratch.

1. This is the art dump cover. I had seen some similar things and wanted to try this style of the outline around the cat.
3ba469ca-792d-43cb-b128-1bcc0e3a44fb2. This is a fox-like thing I drew.
Painting 73.Epic MLP
Painting 114.Drawn from a photo of my cousin. The original photo is on low-opacity somewhere in the foreground or background, I hope that’s not cheating…

[removed for personal safety reasons/just in case even though it doesn’t look much like him]

5. Chibi person and seal on my notes from church. The quality on this one is really horrible, and I don’t know that Scratch is the only contributor to that. (the automatic-enhancer/scanner thing on my phone might have messed with the seal. It has pretty good shading in real life.) (OKey dokey it’s still like that on my blog… ruined shading confirmed. I’ll try to put up a better version sometime.)
IMG_00196. Character designs for a story idea I’m working on. (Does the second one look like the Joker? Please tell me…)
IMG_00177.chibi person
1685d50f-8207-4c6e-a472-49b63a8cd1388. ELLSAAA! I’m really excited about this art style.
d3410b0d-7fa4-4656-af54-eb8f75c6232b9. to the point that I drew some random other person w/ it.
d300c2bf-ac39-4f07-8f2e-b0b0feb5f33110.blushing manga girl, mainly lineless. (I’m not very good at lineless faces so there are still lines there. And on the necklace.)
64b5a59d-d197-4621-8eb4-b24595380f9111. Ice ninja, main lines based on…
dfd4253f-9549-47c2-9ee6-13495ceae76812. Fire ninja47aea3b5-f224-4160-a4c5-23fa24e6a41913. Chibi girl in the snow
27d7756e-51df-4f2f-b4ce-cb64d75a058714. random eye
87095af6-e619-44a2-b5bc-af1434254a2115. Part of another project I’m working on, I thought the shading looked pretty cool without the colors of the project so I saved it as this. (Same with the last two.)

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